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Age verification

You must be of legal age to purchase tobacco products.

Why do I need to verify my age?

Each order placed on requires customer age verification to comply with laws pertaining to the sale of tobacco. You must be at least 21 years old to purchase tobacco products. To make this a simpler experience for our customers, we've

How does age verification work?

Bluecheck, our age verification provider uses the information you enter at checkout to automatically and instantly verify most customers when they place an order.If additional information is needed to complete age verification, a BlueCheck pop-up wil

If asked to provide additional information to verify your age

Photo ID: If additional information is needed to complete age verification, you may be asked to submit clear and legible photos of yourself holding your ID and a photo of your ID. It is important that your photos meet these requirements otherwise Blu

What if I am having trouble with age verification?

If you are having trouble with age verification, or need help verifying your age, you can contact BlueCheck support at [email protected].