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If asked to provide additional information to verify your ageUpdated a year ago

Photo ID: If additional information is needed to complete age verification, you may be asked to submit clear and legible photos of yourself holding your ID and a photo of your ID. It is important that your photos meet these requirements otherwise BlueCheck will be unable to confirm your age.

Photos are only reviewed by trained BlueCheck staff, based in Austin Texas. Photos are used for the sole purpose of completing age verification and are securely transmitted via an encrypted protocol. Once verified all photos are removed from online servers.

Please make sure that when you submit a photo ID that it matches the name on your order. BlueCheck will not accept another person's ID, even if valid, for your order.

Last Four of SSN: If additional information is needed to complete age verification, you may be asked to submit the last four digits of your social security number. This information is neither stored nor shared by BlueCheck and is solely used to attempt an automatic age verification.

BlueCheck uses the last four digits of your social security number because it is a very reliable, secure, and unique identifier that can be used to authenticate your age.

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